Why is facial peeling so popular
They improve the appearance of the skin by removing dead cells from its surface and solve many problems. Peels cleanse from various impurities, stimulate the formation of new cells, make the dermis softer and more pleasant to the touch, radiant, healthy, well-groomed. The choice of peeling depends on the individual characteristics of the epidermis, the presence of problems and the set tasks.
Indications for this procedure are the presence of skin problems, dullness, dryness, loss of firmness and elasticity, scars, scars, pigmentation.
Our catalog presents a variety of peels. If necessary, our consultants will help you choose the best option for you.
What effect can be obtained from face peelings
Rehabilitation takes no more than a week, but after it you are guaranteed to get the following effect:
The skin will receive excellent hydration, become smoother and fresher due to the activation of active cell regeneration processes.
Deep wrinkles will become much less, and you can completely get rid of small folds, pigmentation, scars, and acne marks.
The relief of the skin is evened out.
The production of collagen takes place, due to which the dermis becomes more elastic, elastic, acquires a clear contour.
You can buy professional peeling for the face from us, and you will like the offered price.
Positive qualities and disadvantages of facial peels
We offer the best facial peels, which have the following advantages: a wide range of uses, high efficiency, can help solve many skin problems. Disadvantages include: redness, in some cases peeling and slight discomfort, restrictions that must be followed after the procedure are used mainly in cold seasons. Also, peelings have a number of contraindications, which makes their use impossible.
We recommend that you approach the choice of peeling as carefully and responsibly as possible, which will ensure that you get the desired effect that your customers will definitely like.
Types of facial peels
Peelings are divided into three main types. Superficial - only the keratinized layer is damaged, thereby causing light peeling. Medium - affects the middle layers of the skin and is used to correct and solve more serious skin problems. Deep - is the most traumatic, because all layers of the skin are affected, however, the result is more long-lasting and fundamental: the skin becomes pleasant to the touch, gets rid of all problems completely, acquires a well-groomed and healthy appearance (minus - maximum rehabilitation period).
Care recommendations
After this procedure, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight on the face, use special sunscreen creams. It is necessary to observe hygiene, sleep only on clean pillowcases, once again try not to touch your face with your hands. Wash and clean only with recommended products.
The crusts that have formed should fall off by themselves, if not, then the recovery process is not completely completed. If you want to buy high-quality peeling, visit our website. All products have certificates and have passed all the necessary tests.