Sheets and wrapping film

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87 -  225 грн.
Disposable polyethylene sheets for wrapping
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87.00 грн.


This procedure  is widely used  in aesthetic cosmetology, in particular  for body shaping,  the fight against excess weight and cellulite, as well as  saturation of the body with useful minerals. Wrap  excellent effect on the skin, promotes deep penetration of active substances, helps  cleanse the body and has tonic,  moisturizing and firming properties.

Types of sheets     

There are cold and hot. Hot  wraps are made for the whole body. Due to the action & nbsp; high temperature skin pores open and  through them, harmful substances are removed from the body: toxins and toxins. This procedure is very effective & nbsp; in the fight against cellulite and  overweight.

Cold  wrap, most of all, is performed on  separate  areas of the body. Under the influence of cold, blood vessels begin to narrow, resulting in toxins and  toxins, along with blood and lymph, move to the internal organs, which are responsible for & nbsp; cleansing the body.

This type of wrap is used to restore the tone of  flabby skin, recover after vein sclerosis,  get rid of heaviness in the legs & nbsp; and edema, as well as & nbsp; improve skin lymphatic drainage.

There are other options:

  • wraps based on therapeutic mud, which are rich in various minerals and salts.  They  help in the fight with cellulite, improve  blood circulation, normalize metabolism, as well as  strengthen the nervous system;
  • chocolate wrap – fights acne and age spots, & nbsp; promotes rejuvenation & nbsp; and nourishes the skin;
  • oil wrap -  excellent  moisturizes aging and dry skin, while saturating the cells with nutrients;
  • honey wrap  - nourishes and smoothes the skin,  fights cellulite and  has a rejuvenating effect.

If you want to lose weight and remove excess fat using wraps, you must remember the following. The first wraps give very good  results, and, for example,  on the waist or  hips  you can remove a few extra centimeters in a short time.  However,  these centimeters come back pretty  quickly.  The reason is very simple.  The volume  after wrapping decreases not due to the burning of fat deposits, but as a result of  fluid loss in large quantities.  Unfortunately, wrapping alone cannot cope with fat cells. This procedure  improves lymph outflow,  tightens, nourishes   and rejuvenates the skin.  But not everything is lost if it is skillfully combined  with fitness,  massage or therapeutic baths,   then getting rid of excess body fat  is quite realistic.


It should be remembered that any wraps have a number of contraindications and are prohibited in cases:

  • the presence of  diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • skin and  gynecological  pathologies.

There are also cases where for the same  disease  one type of wrapping is contraindicated, and the other, on the contrary, is useful. For example,   with varicose veins can not be carried out & nbsp; hot wrap, but useful cold.

Medies for wrap

The above   procedures take place using  sheets or wrapping films. Also, they  widely used in many beauty and spa treatments. over a longer period of time, making the treatment more effective.   

These products are  very elastic and  sticky. They  make it possible to perfectly wrap the body or a certain part of it, while allowing  active substances to penetrate deep into the skin.

In our online store you can buy wrapping film and wrapping sheets, which are of high quality.

The specified products can be ordered on our website with delivery  in  Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Poltava, Kharkiv, Lviv, Vinnitsa, Uzhgorod  and others  cities of Ukraine.